Analysis of the study "Do IT Like Ukraine"
Analysis of the study "Do IT Like Ukraine"

Expanding our understanding of the world IT.

Team of Chernivtsi IT Cluster convinced that IT is a vast world that you need to study constantly and diversified. Therefore, we turned to experts from Chernivtsi National University to give an economic feedback for research from the Ukrainian IT Association "Do IT Like Ukraine." Today, the head of the department "International Economic Relations" Alexander Saenko, together with the 4th year student Jan Varanitsa, made the current sketches. "In difficult times, good news is worth its weight in gold and the report from IT Association lights one of the lights of hope. Thus, over the past 6 years, the number of IT specialists in Ukraine has more than doubled, and the volume and share of e-commerce has almost tripled.

Such significant shifts can be attributed mainly to three factors.

The IT sector has gained significant achievements in the world market with a very high level of annual growth of almost 10%. In addition to the factors listed above, a significant role in this is the ease of adaptation: only Internet access and a device that can be portable are required for work, which allows for significant mobility of employees. Also, greater flexibility is manifested in other factors: work schedule, load distribution, variations in types of work, etc. And under today's conditions it is of great importance that Internet services do not need to be packed, loaded, transported - their export is carried out instantly. In the end, we can say that, undoubtedly, the challenges of fate have closed many doors for us, but we can open much more. "