EPAM invites veterans to IT training
EPAM invites veterans to IT training

EPAM invites veterans to IT training

For the third time, the company offers veterans to learn the basics of computer science and programming in order to later choose one of the IT professions. The program "IT for veterans" is free, it will start in October in an online format.

During training, participants will be able to get acquainted with the basics of IT and gain knowledge of software development. They are necessary to master a new IT profession, regardless of previous experience, education, age or location.

"IT for veterans" will take place in two stages.
The first stage involves learning the basics of programming, computer science, and mathematics for IT in Ukrainian. It will last six weeks.
After successful completion of this stage, veterans will be able to choose a direction of advanced study in English. Available are Java, .NET, Test Automation, Manual Testing, Cloud & DevOps, Front-End, Business Analysis. The duration of this stage depends on the chosen direction.

The number of places is limited to 50 participants. Among the conditions: to be a veteran, to speak English at the A2+ level and to have a desire to become an IT specialist. Classes with ERAM experts will be held three times a week, independent study is also provided.

You can register and get more details via the link. https://training.epam.ua/ua/training/4238

To make training comfortable for veterans, mentoring support for participants is provided. More than 100 veterans and their family members have already completed this program during previous waves of training.