Is it worth becoming a resident of "Diia.City" solely for the purpose of reserving IT specialists?
Is it worth becoming a resident of "Diia.City" solely for the purpose of reserving IT specialists?

Is it worth becoming a resident of "Diia.City" solely for the purpose of reserving IT specialists?

The partner of the Chernivtsi IT Cluster - Maksim Nosarev, CEO & Founder of the legal company Tretten Lawyers, talks about this topic.

Some IT companies began to consider residency in "Diia.City" solely because of the opportunity to book their employees. In the article, Maksym explains whether it is worth entering this special tax regime for citizens of the Republic of Lithuania exclusively for this purpose, whether residency in "Diia.City" guarantees a reservation, and what nuances may arise.

Read the full article at the link: