Event "Myths about health. Where is the limit of common sense?"
Event "Myths about health. Where is the limit of common sense?"

We invite you to an exciting interactive event from the Chernivtsi IT Cluster!

Date: August 5

Time: 10:00

Place: Grand Royal Restaurant, 114 Main Street

Event topic: "Myths about health. Where is the limit of common sense?"​​

Social networks provide a lot of advice about health care, but are they all true useful and safe? Our speaker, internist, gastroenterologist, nutritionist and preventive medicine expert - Anastasia Sukholotyuk, founder of private medical practice Ration, will help dispel doubts and understand how to maintain health within the limits of common sense.

At the event, we will consider:

Debunking popular myths about food, sports, vitamins and health. Let's talk about the necessary check-ups for each person.

Let's find out which sources of information can be relied on for a healthy lifestyle.

How to adapt all the tips to your rhythm of life to achieve the maximum effect.

The event will take place in the format of a report and discussion, where each participant will have the opportunity to ask questions and receive professional advice from our expert.

Participation is FREE (subject to prior registration)

Registration link: https://forms.gle/KjK2uncbGjXBpCTV6