Online meeting "Energy situation in Ukraine"
Online meeting "Energy situation in Ukraine"

Online meeting on the energy situation in Ukraine by Chernivtsi IT Cluster

On July 10, an important online meeting was held for the companies participating in our cluster. The speaker of the event was Roman Nitsovych, director of research at DiXi Group - a Ukrainian analytical center that has been working in the field of energy since 2008.

πŸ“Š Roman Nitsovych considered the general situation with energy in Ukraine, presented possible scenarios for this winter and shared valuable advice on preparing housing and office He also revealed forecasts for possible power outages. This information is extremely important for planning the work of our companies in the future. Thank you to all participants for their active participation and interesting questions!

πŸ“² Read more about the activities of the DiXi Group analytical center at the link:‍
