Rewarding students of the club "MiniMudryk"
Rewarding students of the club "MiniMudryk"

On June 16, with great pleasure and joy, Chernivtsi IT Cluster awarded extremely talented students of the Mathematical Workshop "MiniMudryk" club for their outstanding achievements in mathematics and linguistics competitions at the regional and all-Ukrainian levels! These students during two academic years demonstrated incredible skill, intelligence and perseverance in the study of these complex disciplines.

They confirmed their expertise and passed tests that required them to give a lot, self-discipline and creative thinking. Special thanks to the unsurpassed teachers and coaches who did their best to teach these amazing young people in the circle "Minimudrik." Their strong leadership and inspiring support deserve the highest praise. Chernivtsi IT Cluster remains committed to its goals - to promote the development of talent and provide opportunities for unlocking the potential of young masters.

We are proud of the students and believe that they are able to reach the highest heights in their long-term efforts!