Webinar: "Java Developer: analysis of the profession"
Webinar: "Java Developer: analysis of the profession"

The second free webinar about the start in IT this Wednesday⠀

May 31 will be a webinar on the topic: "Java Developer: analysis професії"⠀

Speaker of the webinar - Volodymyr Perebivskyi, Java developer of InventorSoft with experience of more than 8 years.⠀

At the online meeting we will talk about:

- the pros and cons of the profession;

- prospects and rewards;

- what you need to know and learn;

- myths about the profession;

- prospects of direction in future⠀

And also discuss questions from participants within this topic

Registration link https://docs.google.com/.../1FAIpQLSePKSdsoHg0kf.../viewform